Community - Arts, Clubs and Societies
To list your Club/Society in this section, please contact the Administrator.
Gwernaffield Church Hall - Timetable of Events - Gwernaffield Church Hall
If you wish to book the Village Hall to Host an event please contact Mrs Gwyneth Goodwin - 01352 740488
Pantymwyn Village Hall - Timetable of Events - Pantymwyn Village Hall
Air Training Corps
Contact: Darren Angelsea, Bryn Golen, Gwernaffield, CH7 5DY - [email protected]
1st Gwernaffield and Pantymwyn Brownies
Contact person: Viv Craig – either email [email protected] or telephone 01352 740950
Girlguiding UK is the United Kingdom's largest voluntary organisation for girls and young women, with about 575,000 members including about 65,000 trained volunteer adult Leaders.
Girlguiding UK enables girls and young women to develop their potential and to make a difference to the world.
The aim of guiding is to help girls and young women develop emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, so that they can make a positive contribution to their community and the wider world.
Girlguiding UK believes in the value of learning by doing. This is put into practice through a Method with five interlinking elements, known as the Five Essentials of guiding:
Girlguiding UK is a recognised part of the UK's youth service provision and is affiliated to or linked with other organisations within the childcare and youth sectors.
There have been Brownies in the 2 villages for about 60 years. The 1st Gwernaffield and Pantymwyn Brownies was formed when the Pantymwyn pack disbanded and merged with Gwernaffield unit.
Activities include fun – games – helping other people – community activities
Dates and times of Meetings
It is policy of the Association not to publicise place and times of meetings - Please contact the leaders to find out this information. However, the unit meets regularly during the year.
Website links:
Friends of Alyn Valley Woods
Richard Anning (Chair)
Gill Dobson (Secretary)
Mick Brummage (Treasurer)
Committee: Tessa Anning, John Harradine
Contact Gill Dobson
Meetings held in The Crown (informal meetings and open Committee) and larger events meet in the Village Hall, or Golf Club Website
History: Local enthusiasts formed the group in 2007 in order to learn about, conserve, and enhance the flora and fauna of the Alyn Valley Woods. It aims to promote conservation through liaising with local landowners.
Activities have included: Orchid Surveys, Bat walks, Badger watching, Pied Flycatcher and Dormouse Box projects (in association with the Brownies), Talks by various experts on topics ranging from general interest to specialised knowledge of Butterflies and Geology
Join events of North Wales Wildlife Trust (NWWT) Flintshire branch and NEW Wildlife at Rhydymwyn.
eg, badger watching, fungal forays, waxwings, walks.
Look at posters around village, or via website
Gwernaffield Holy Trinity Scout Group - Trinity Fammau – Flintshire Scouts
Gwernaffield Thursday Club
Chairperson Sheila Smith, Treasurer Kath Ellis
Dates and Times of meetings Weekly, Thursday 2-4pm
Activities Bingo, darts, table tennis, dominoes, cards, snooker, sales table
Special Events Coach trips.
The Thursday Club has been in existence for about 40 years. At one time it was a mixed club, but now unfortunately, it is only ladies who attend. The purpose is to get people together for company and relaxation, and for the two villages to mix.
At the moment we have 26 members, whom pay £1 per week towards the rent of the Hall, Tea and Biscuits, and Coaches. Please contact Sheila Smith on 01352 740027
Sunbeams Playgroup
Meets in the Gwernaffield Community Centre. Wednesday morning 9 - 11.30 pm
The Playgroup Supervisor is Rachel Foley
The Committee are:
Chairperson Rachel Foley
Vice-Chairperson Louise Ankers
email contact: [email protected]
Facebook page is at Sunbeams Playgroup and Toddlers
Children are eligible to attend Toddlers sessions from birth (with parents) and Playgroup sessions from two years and three months. There are assisted places for those on income support, but these places are on a first-come-first-served basis.
WI Gwernaffield
Meetings are held on 2nd Tuesday of each month
7.30 pm in the Church Hall, Gwernaffield, CH7 5DT
New members are warmly welcomed
President Sue Roberts
Secretary Jennifer Fellows 01352 740511
Treasurer Joan Chadwick
Vice-President Teddy Hattersley
Second Vice President Clare Exley
Vice Treasurer Janet Hodgson
Assistant Secretary Eileen Haigh
WI Pantymwyn
Pantymwyn WI meets on the first Tuesday of the month in the village Hall (summer), and Golf Club (October – April, inclusive), at 1.45 pm.
President Mrs Daphne Gratton 01352 740 323
Secretary Mrs Chris Kite 741 625
Formed in 1948, the Diamond Jubilee was celebrated in 2008 with the publication of the Pantymwyn WI Cookbook. Copies are still available. The recipe book is a tribute to the wide reputation Pantymwyn WI has for its cakes and sandwiches at the annual ‘Guest Afternoon’.
1988, 1998, and 2008 were years to celebrate the Preliminary Formation Meeting of the WI, and also the building of the Village Hall. The early WI meetings were held in the Golf Club House, the first monthly meeting being held on March 4th 1948. The first President was Mrs H.M. Morton. There was much support from the village ladies, with attendances of between 40 and 50. Immediately the ladies began to think of a hall of their own, and at the same time villagers were also thinking of a village meeting place for the benefit of all.
The next month, April 1948, WI members agreed that the Committee should meet other interested parties, and the Village Hall Project was un der way. – financed largely from public subscription, and the labour provided happily by local volunteers.
By the Pantymwyn WI’s first birthday, the Village Hall was completed,. And in regular use, and has been the centre of village social activities ever since.
The WI holds its meeting on the first Tuesday of every month, and uses the Hall for fundraising. In 1988, the Village Hall was refurbished, and the opening ceremony was carried out by one who was among the first volunteers. Loyalty is a byword of the Pantymwyn WI, and in that 40th celebration year the President was Mrs Beryl Lloyd who was a founder member in 1948, as was member Mrs Elizabeth Evans.
New members are always welcome, and are invited to come along to any meeting, or contact the Committee at the numbers above.
Gwernaffield Church Hall - Timetable of Events - Gwernaffield Church Hall
If you wish to book the Village Hall to Host an event please contact Mrs Gwyneth Goodwin - 01352 740488
Pantymwyn Village Hall - Timetable of Events - Pantymwyn Village Hall
Air Training Corps
Contact: Darren Angelsea, Bryn Golen, Gwernaffield, CH7 5DY - [email protected]
1st Gwernaffield and Pantymwyn Brownies
Contact person: Viv Craig – either email [email protected] or telephone 01352 740950
Girlguiding UK is the United Kingdom's largest voluntary organisation for girls and young women, with about 575,000 members including about 65,000 trained volunteer adult Leaders.
Girlguiding UK enables girls and young women to develop their potential and to make a difference to the world.
The aim of guiding is to help girls and young women develop emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, so that they can make a positive contribution to their community and the wider world.
Girlguiding UK believes in the value of learning by doing. This is put into practice through a Method with five interlinking elements, known as the Five Essentials of guiding:
- working together in small groups
- encouraging self-government and decision making
- a balanced and varied programme
- caring for the individual
- sharing a commitment to a common standard
Girlguiding UK is a recognised part of the UK's youth service provision and is affiliated to or linked with other organisations within the childcare and youth sectors.
There have been Brownies in the 2 villages for about 60 years. The 1st Gwernaffield and Pantymwyn Brownies was formed when the Pantymwyn pack disbanded and merged with Gwernaffield unit.
Activities include fun – games – helping other people – community activities
Dates and times of Meetings
It is policy of the Association not to publicise place and times of meetings - Please contact the leaders to find out this information. However, the unit meets regularly during the year.
Website links:
Friends of Alyn Valley Woods
Richard Anning (Chair)
Gill Dobson (Secretary)
Mick Brummage (Treasurer)
Committee: Tessa Anning, John Harradine
Contact Gill Dobson
Meetings held in The Crown (informal meetings and open Committee) and larger events meet in the Village Hall, or Golf Club Website
History: Local enthusiasts formed the group in 2007 in order to learn about, conserve, and enhance the flora and fauna of the Alyn Valley Woods. It aims to promote conservation through liaising with local landowners.
Activities have included: Orchid Surveys, Bat walks, Badger watching, Pied Flycatcher and Dormouse Box projects (in association with the Brownies), Talks by various experts on topics ranging from general interest to specialised knowledge of Butterflies and Geology
Join events of North Wales Wildlife Trust (NWWT) Flintshire branch and NEW Wildlife at Rhydymwyn.
eg, badger watching, fungal forays, waxwings, walks.
Look at posters around village, or via website
Gwernaffield Holy Trinity Scout Group - Trinity Fammau – Flintshire Scouts
Gwernaffield Thursday Club
Chairperson Sheila Smith, Treasurer Kath Ellis
Dates and Times of meetings Weekly, Thursday 2-4pm
Activities Bingo, darts, table tennis, dominoes, cards, snooker, sales table
Special Events Coach trips.
The Thursday Club has been in existence for about 40 years. At one time it was a mixed club, but now unfortunately, it is only ladies who attend. The purpose is to get people together for company and relaxation, and for the two villages to mix.
At the moment we have 26 members, whom pay £1 per week towards the rent of the Hall, Tea and Biscuits, and Coaches. Please contact Sheila Smith on 01352 740027
Sunbeams Playgroup
Meets in the Gwernaffield Community Centre. Wednesday morning 9 - 11.30 pm
The Playgroup Supervisor is Rachel Foley
The Committee are:
Chairperson Rachel Foley
Vice-Chairperson Louise Ankers
email contact: [email protected]
Facebook page is at Sunbeams Playgroup and Toddlers
Children are eligible to attend Toddlers sessions from birth (with parents) and Playgroup sessions from two years and three months. There are assisted places for those on income support, but these places are on a first-come-first-served basis.
WI Gwernaffield
Meetings are held on 2nd Tuesday of each month
7.30 pm in the Church Hall, Gwernaffield, CH7 5DT
New members are warmly welcomed
President Sue Roberts
Secretary Jennifer Fellows 01352 740511
Treasurer Joan Chadwick
Vice-President Teddy Hattersley
Second Vice President Clare Exley
Vice Treasurer Janet Hodgson
Assistant Secretary Eileen Haigh
WI Pantymwyn
Pantymwyn WI meets on the first Tuesday of the month in the village Hall (summer), and Golf Club (October – April, inclusive), at 1.45 pm.
President Mrs Daphne Gratton 01352 740 323
Secretary Mrs Chris Kite 741 625
Formed in 1948, the Diamond Jubilee was celebrated in 2008 with the publication of the Pantymwyn WI Cookbook. Copies are still available. The recipe book is a tribute to the wide reputation Pantymwyn WI has for its cakes and sandwiches at the annual ‘Guest Afternoon’.
1988, 1998, and 2008 were years to celebrate the Preliminary Formation Meeting of the WI, and also the building of the Village Hall. The early WI meetings were held in the Golf Club House, the first monthly meeting being held on March 4th 1948. The first President was Mrs H.M. Morton. There was much support from the village ladies, with attendances of between 40 and 50. Immediately the ladies began to think of a hall of their own, and at the same time villagers were also thinking of a village meeting place for the benefit of all.
The next month, April 1948, WI members agreed that the Committee should meet other interested parties, and the Village Hall Project was un der way. – financed largely from public subscription, and the labour provided happily by local volunteers.
By the Pantymwyn WI’s first birthday, the Village Hall was completed,. And in regular use, and has been the centre of village social activities ever since.
The WI holds its meeting on the first Tuesday of every month, and uses the Hall for fundraising. In 1988, the Village Hall was refurbished, and the opening ceremony was carried out by one who was among the first volunteers. Loyalty is a byword of the Pantymwyn WI, and in that 40th celebration year the President was Mrs Beryl Lloyd who was a founder member in 1948, as was member Mrs Elizabeth Evans.
New members are always welcome, and are invited to come along to any meeting, or contact the Committee at the numbers above.